Saturday, December 15, 2012

A worth while tiredness

I apologize if my references to gifts in my daughter are getting repetitive. I am still constantly thankful and amazed at the gift(s) that is her.

Last night we  had an all-nighter with the youth. Always a good time :). My little bean was soooo good. She slept through some crazy levels of noise and even through being held while her holder played around the world ping-pong.

 A gift cool: home-made apple sauce, pulled up from the basement.
Warm: Sweet piggy toes, curled in her daddy's beard.
Sun-soaked: My little bean a little while after she came home, getting some sun for her skin.

3 gifts Autum (again, still catching up):
~Seeing God's Soverignty over the seasons.
~Watching the leaves quickly change color on the mountains around the city.
~A pumpkin spice latte.

3 gifts growing:
~My little girl, even though she is still a petite little thing.
~Our practice in basic parenting (i.e. changing, bathing).
~Our love for each other as we love our little girl.

3 gifts given:
~ Time to the youth at our all-nighter last night (what a joy).
~ A Christmas package sent to family.
~ Energy in washing the babies diapers on a regular basis. (what a privilege).

A gift made: Christmas cookies baked for the youth Christmas party.

A gift scrawled: notes on information to a gift sent in the mail.

A gift started: Beginning to teach our daughter the truth of the Gospel.

3 gifts drawn:
~ Names from a hat as the kids played 4 on a couch last night.
~ A Merry Christmas sign on my friend's door as we got to mom's group yesterday, drawn by her sweet girl.
~ A pattern I'm using (that I created) to make a new version of an older idea.

3 gifts paired:
~Green earrings, a fun festive detail to go with my Christmas necklace.
~Peppermint cookies with candycane coffee.
~Teams of two around the table to play some Dutch Blitz.

3 gifts shared:~ Memories.

1 comment:

Darlene Joy Koop said...

Awesome, Kim! I love the obvious delight that you and Andrew have in the miraculous gift that God has given you in your precious daughter! I would love to be a mommy some day, so I am enjoying hearing you tell about it in such a grateful, down-to-earth way. Merry Christmas to you and your family!! Love, Darlene