Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Coffee and other ramblings

So yes, I am going to attempt to be a bit more consistent at using this blog. Of course, anything is better than how I've used it thus far :). I used to blog about my life all the time. Lately it's just been for my jewelery blog, and I keep thinking of things God is teaching me that I should share and little tid bits.

This morning however is going to be about coffee. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am now willing to agree with my husband that I am indeed a coffee snob, but I am trying to come up with a better term for it. I tell him that I have just learned to enjoy the better things in life, and somehow just end up coming across as a hilarious comic routine which leaves him hooting. Oh well.

But, this is what happens when you work for a local coffee house, begin to like better coffee, then start working for a company that sells the top selling coffee in North America. Being educated in coffee (which included tastings, called cupping, more on that later), how it's made, how to describe it, how where it's grown affects it's all adds up. Or at least this is what I keep telling myself. In all honesty I am very thankful to God for giving me a job that I so thoroughly enjoy and that I can be passionate about.

Soon after being hired at this job, I discovered the beauty of the French Press. (again, another blog ;) )

Of course said dear man added fuel to the fire by giving me my own espresso maker for Christmas. I have been having a ball with it! I am still floored over it to tell you the truth.

Which leads me to my wonderful brew of choice this morning: Verona.
But, not only Verona, but Verona as an espresso shot.
In a nut shell Verona is more of a Cocoa tinted, sweeter brew while espresso is a little more bitter with caramel notes.
But, I am in high heaven this morning with my Americano misto. (Americano=espresso shots +hot water. Misto=also some foamy milk)
And if you do not speak coffee, I sincerely apologize and will be posting more blogs about such things in the future.

1 comment:

Melody206 said...

It really tickles me pink to hear about your coffee journey. I've heard of some baristas trying every Starbucks core coffee through all 3 main brew methods as part of their coffee education (Drip brew, French press, espresso method).

I'll be checking back in to hear more about your coffee adventures, and being the servant leader that you are naturally.