Sunday, May 12, 2013

May He be your joy

This morning I was praying for those for whom this day is hard:
Those who have lost their moms;
Those who's kids are hard places;
Those who were abused growing up; 
Those who never knew their mom.

Most of all, for me, my heart aches for arms who long for children.
It took us a couple of years to have our first, and there were times when I felt as Rachel felt in Genesis 30 ("give me children or I shall die!").
I cannot fathom the pain and strength of those who have gone through this many more years than I, some of which have lost their sweet ones before spending any, if much life together.  

I was praying for you this morning. I feel as if saying such is such a feeble offering to you on this day. But I wanted to let you know that you are loved.

Those whom I know I prayed for by name. I wish I could see you in person on this day, hug you and cry together if you needed it. I've cried for you already today...

May you feel the love of your Abba Father today.

Numbers 6:24-26 
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. 

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