Saturday, May 11, 2013


Last week I had the awesome privilege of joining a group from my church in attending the Children's Desiring God conference.
This is a conference for those who work with the children (nursery up) and youth in churches.
It was an incredible blessing and I would say I got more out of it than any other conference I have ever had the privilege of attending.
I'd strongly encourage anyone to listen to any of the messages and seminars as they are available on their site:
This blog was spoken of by Kempton Turner (one of Bethlehem's youth pastors) and I doubt anyone could read a single entry without being both blessed and convicted!
This young missionary followed The Lord to the mission field at age 18 and has lived in  Africa ever since. 
That workshop was about not expecting little from our youth, and not allowing for the world's mindset that life begins after Hugh school or college, so live it up now(YOLO?). So true.

One of the biggest reminders for me was that God is sovereign in the lives of those we love and minister to, and that only His Spirit can save them. 
Of course I know this! But being given the picture of preaching to a cemetery (without God's intervention) is a vivid one.
I also know a God who brought dead bones to life!

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