Thursday, November 22, 2012


The last month has been, to say the least, a little insane.
First, my husband was admitted to the hospital (he had some kind of virus behind his eyes that was affecting his site and giving him headaches). The same day I woke up with a sore neck. I thought I had just slept funny, but I'm still getting over it. That made me  feel lousy and gave me some headaches. All while 37 weeks pregnant!

So, I was wrestling with resting in God and not stressing, all the while only wanting my husband to be okay and be with me in delivery.

He was able to be there.
The day after I was to be induced, I was and after a wild ride, my little lady joined our family. I really don't prefer being induced, but that is my life as I have to be one blood thinner while pregnant and it's safer to do things this way for both of us so we can make sure the thinner is out of my system.
So, this is God's will for me.

As I waited all day in the hospital the day I was scheduled to be induced and my body was waiting for those horrible gels to work, I remembered something my husband's cousin told me about God teaching her something about surrender to Him with each of her births. This was a huge encouragement and reminder to me.

Life is now completely changed, and completely amazing. My little girl is such a treasure to me.
She is my little petite princess.
I get less sleep. I laugh at ridiculous things from being over-tired. I need naps. I forget what day it is. And it's all amazing.
The funny moments when newborn poo comes sailing out onto my couch. The amazing moments of awe as I feed my girl and she grabs my hand and I look at her toes. The sweet moments when she just wants me and needs to snuggle on my shoulder.
I'm learning more about God as our Father and trusting Him to be just that at the same time, as I need so much wisdom to be her Mom.
Her Dad is completely smitten with his peanut and I love seeing this. This also is a huge treasure to me.
On the phone earlier this week he told someone it was all very natural. This is true. It was the same when we got married. Life together was all very natural.
This is God's plan for us, and it's an amazing treasure.

 3 Gifts difficult:
~Being induced.

3 gifts white:
~Tiny little newborn diapers.
~Wipes to clean her tiny little bum.
~ Alcohol wipes for keeping her cord/belly button clean.

3 gifts sitting:
~My little honey, sitting in her chair, happily awake, at my feet.
~Getting to relax and heal.
~My new glider rocking chair, a gift from friends.

A gift outside: The first snow of the season.

A gift inside: A cozy day indoors.

A gift upside down: Our whole lives! What a sweet blessing having a baby is.

3 gifts in water:
~My constant glass of water, used to stay hydrated as I start to feed my baby.
~Hot, healing epsom salt baths.
~Water used to make coffee, that I can now enjoy.

A gift at 10 am: Getting ready to bring our girly to church for the first time.
A gift at 1 pm: Lunch for mommy and then little girl.
A gift at 10 pm: Fellowship with friends.

3 gifts in His Word:
 Surely he has borne our griefs
    and carried our sorrows... Isaiah 53:4

 For the mountains may depart
    and the hills be removed,
but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,
    and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,”
    says the Lord, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10

 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11

A gift hole: A new wee little belly button in our house.
A gift whole: God's grace in labour, teaching me the beauty in pain.
A gift half: Pain decreased as I saw her sweet little face.

3 hard gifts: 
~Learning how to have different sleep patterns in order to properly feed my daughter.
~Learning to be patient with her as I teach her to stay awake and eat.
~Learning to trust the Lord as my husband was in the hospital the days leading up to the day of my induction, knowing God would take care of me in the way that He saw best, whether that meant he would be with me or not.

3 gits of metal:
~My watch, now with a new battery so I can keep track of feeding my girl (among other things ;) )
~My engagement and 
~My wedding rings, which mean so much more now with a new little one around.

3 gifts half-hidden:
~ Life under the freezing ground. 
~piggy toes peaking out from under her nursing cover.
~Sweetness bundled up in blanket, hands freeing themselves every time.

3 gifts in green:
~ My girl's bouncy seat, she has been using it so much!
~Mom's team as we watch Sunday afternoon football.
~Healthy salads brought to me with meal ministry.

1 comment:

Darlene Joy Koop said...

Thanks for sharing, Kim!!
So excited for you and Andrew -- praise God for His wonderful blessings and the miracle of life!!