Monday, September 17, 2012

Broken Open

3 gifts that are difficult:
My heart, God showing me how
~Selfish and me focused in tired pregnancy and hard times;
~Ignoring others and their needs;
And yet
~How justified I felt in feeling hurt and defensive in how others responded.

His grace is so huge.

I am so grateful that God has the grace and mercy to reveal this to me, to break me open and heal me again.

It's been coming together how I've been living in this way, and God just finished opening my eyes as I read Ann's blog today, with tears.

It's funny how God uses things in multiples in our lives sometimes. The song Ann talks about in her blog "Oh how He loves" has been brought up a couple of times over the last few days in various ways.

It has such truth from the Gospel in it. And it's something that I need to be reminded of often, especially when I feel as if I've failed others.

Please forgive me friends.

A few more gifts:
3 gifts from your dad:
~A belief that the right thing is always the right thing.
~My belief in the value of modesty.
~The importance of doing things well.

3 gifts from your Heavenly Father:
~His Soverignty over every detail of my life.
~His enabling strength over every detail of my life.
~His enabling me through past pain to better love.

3 gifts you became today in serving:
~A prayer covering.
~Love (as I make baby girl's quilt).

3 gifts growing:
~My belly.
~Sections of the baby quilt.
~Food items in the freezer for after the baby is born.

A gift bent:
Finding out a friend has a serious illness and being able to have great compassion and love.

A gift beautiful:
Ultrasound of our beauty.

A gift loved: beign able to help a friend raise money to attend YWAM.

3 gifts found in light:
~Light shed on my beading board so I can bead.
~Light reflecting the beginning of the change of season off the lake.
~Light of the Gospel shared in the service yesterday.

3 gifts around a table:
~Tea to sooth my cold.
~Water to keep me hydrated and hopefully kill this cold.
~My little calandar to help me keep track of my abundant life.

A gift in water:
Fall rain, providing water for plants and for us.

A gift in words: Ann's blog today, sharing God's grace.

A gift in white:
My sturdy mug.

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