So, this week I've been fighting off a killer cold.
So , I've been loading up on various cold medicines, trying to get better and trying not to gross my customers out. I mean
I know that I'm being ultra careful
(yea, I sure didn't cough, wipe my hand under my nose and then hand me money for a latte...not that any one's every done that to me!), but you may not realize that and keeping our customers is highly encouraged ;).
Let me just say that I work with some incredible
Baristas. I don't know if I've ever worked somewhere where everyone has each others back, and honestly does, as in, they are not just
waiting for you to leave so that they can talk about you.
I had such an amazingly off day the other day, and not only did they have me covered as I was at the bar, but one supervisor just went above and beyond, telling my manager that I was doing fine and how we all have off days and so on. I still almost don't know how to handle that (in a good way!)
Then the afternoon just got brighter:
We had some
Barista bonding with a bit of an espresso shot competition-two of us did 8, I think the other "only" 6.
I think we might have scared a few people off...our regulars found it hilarious.
Let's say it motivated some cleaning on one of our parts (not mine this time :) ).
Good times.
One of our core values is to be welcoming.
Let me say that I've been pushed out of my comfort zone already at this job, but I really pushed myself yesterday to start more and more conversations with my customers.
The amazing God thing was that I was planning a devotional for my teen girls that I lead about loving others by seeing the needs around us (not just always focusing on our two best friends) and comfort zones, and I asked God to help me to learn this and to lead by example.
And then yesterday happened and it was
awkward at first. Some people don't really want to talk.
And it's just hard for me to do that. But I found the responses incredible. People would stop and look at me like "are you talking to me?" Then they would get into the conversation. Smile. Laugh sometimes.
I had a conversation with a customer who was buying a pound of Verona. Verona is one of my favorite roasts and I told him that. He said he thought all of them were supposed to be our favorite. So, I kept talking about it and how I had tried it at home as espresso and it was amazing.
When he walked away he laughed and told me to never loose my personality.
I was just really struck by what a difference these conversations were making.
And come to think of it, were making in me as well.
We live in such a sterile society. Don't talk to me. I'll check myself out at
wal-mart thank you. Just give me my product and let me go home and sit in front of my computer and
television. Deliver everything to me.
But we really do crave that interaction. We NEED it.
I've just been amazed on more than one
occasion at how God has used this job to bring the real me out.
Those of you who know me know this has been an ongoing thing in my life.
But, recently, God has really been convicting me ( for me personally) that it's a matter of pride to not reach out to others around me.
I say I'm shy. Maybe so (although not as much as I used to be).
But, where does that come from? I'm afraid to show who I am because what if others laugh at the real me? What if they don't like what they see and they wound me?
And? Really what difference does that make?
Does it change my value? Does it change how God sees me?
If they do not like what God created, is there something wrong with ME?
Not in the least.
I also find it very eye opening to realize in a new way that God has placed me there for a reason, and that His work is in all things. I can serve Him and others while I serve coffee.
(Oh I love that He created coffee!)
I still need a lot of work in this area, but I find this of great comfort:
Philippians 1:6being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.