Saturday, June 15, 2013

He Lifted Me Up

Ten years ago.
I just recently realized it had been that long.
I set out on my own adventure, on my own life led by the Lord.
He has gently led me, one step at a time. 
Corrected me. Molded me.
Changed me.

Little by little.
But when I look back, what He has done simply blows my mind.

How? Why?
Because He loves me!

I just watched a video put together for the alumni of the discipleship training program I did that year.
As I remembered I could not believe how different I am.

How I didn't know who I was then.
How afraid I was.
How lost I was.

I didn't even realize these things at the time. Not really. I just believed that was where God wanted me to be. And now I know God Sovereignly put me there.  

I started to learn that pouting and manipulating was not the way to treat others. I didn't even know I was doing it. It was such an ingrained habit.

I started to learn that my opinion mattered.
That people wanted to be with me.
(I still struggle with this sometimes.)
I had learned that this wasn't the case in my past.

I learned to stick with something even when it got hard.

I was treated with love even when I messed up, something I was not used to.  I was corrected when it was needed, and then offered wheat thins ;). 

I studied how it was important to obey God and not man.

God showed me how He was always with me, and was my proud Father.

I've since learned that I am not a complete introvert. I was made one by those around me.
That it's ok to share my mind, be openly silly.
I am such a different person from that year.

I was struggling as I had just left such a sheltered, controlling environment. 

I think my AC (accountability cell) family saw this more than I did.

I met a husband who didn't try to make me into a person that he thought I should be.

I've had jobs that forced me to interact constantly with people, that didn't let me stay in the background- and I LOVED it.

I've spent time in His Word and found truths I never knew were there. God opened my eyes to things I never understood. 

He, He alone has changed me.

Psalm 40:2 He drew me up from the pit of destruction,out of the miry bog,and set my feet upon a rock,making my steps secure. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Dear Sweet Girl

Dear sweet girl,
Seven months ago you came into our world. You sent our lives spinning in such beautiful ways.
You are our tiny princess.
Miss personality.
Vibrant determination.
Your laughter fills our hearts, and your singing and chit chat our house.
Even at the end of a grumpy, teething day, I love being your mama.