Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sun Shining Through

A gift high: Sun shining through after a rainy day.

A gift low: My feet-they are not so swollen and feel a lot better!

A gift far away: My mother working out details to come and visit after our little lady arrives.

3 gifts of endings:
~Ending of our season of our family being made of two.
~End of the summer, start of autumn.
~End of one book (start of a new one).

3 gifts fresh:
~The cleaness that follows rain.
~Refreshment of tea with a friend, leading to a fresh prespective.
~Also fresh perspective from time alone with Him (of far greater importance than the first).

A gift on vacation: The treat of a Jimmy Johns sub ;).

A gift home: A good sleep in my own bed (there is just nothing like your own bed).

A gift in relaxation: Refreshment in reading.

3 gifts of beginings:
~Finishing getting little girl's room ready.
~Reading to learn how to care for baby girl.
~Learning to more fully embrace the gift of contentment.

3 gifts together:
~Bright beads;
~New pattern;
~New addiction to a new beadwork stitch.

3 gifts heard:
~God's faithfulness spoken through His Word to my heart.
~Words of love and care from my husband.
~Words from a friend that lift up.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

And it's October

Wow, it's already October!
That is crazy! I have less than six weeks left until my due date. That is hard to believe.
It's both exciting and scary!

For those who may not realize why I am listing gifts:
I read "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp  earlier this year and I'm following her Joy dare to find one thousand gifts throughout my year. Gifts are all around, and not just during the Thanksgiving season (as it is for us in Canada right now). Having a heart of thanksgiving puts our hearts in the right place of worshiping Him for all things.

Some gifts:

3 gifts curled:
~Falling leaves.
~ Curly pasta that filled my empty stomach at lunch.
~The bracelet I am  currently making that curls and bends as it goes.
 3 gifts yellow:
~Bright yellow beads made into a new necklace.
~My little beading scissors (couldn't do a thing without them).
~Yellow highlighter used as I read God's Word.

3 gifts learned:
~It's ok to not be strong enough to do everything all the time.
~I don't always have to defend myself, humbleness and trust in the Lord is of far more importance.
~Sanctification is a combination of my obedience and His power.

3 gifts musical:
~Andrew Peterson concert this past weekend.
~Worship at the desiring God conference.
~Peaceful music in the car on our trip.

3 gifts baked:
~Chocolate chip cookies to take to the family who put us up this past weekend.
~Banana bread frozen for after baby girl is born.
~Cookies made for the youth for our first event.

A gift in light: bright sunny days on our trip.
A gift in dark: Seeing His truth in what appears to be darkness.
A gift in shadow: Finding Him as our refuge.

3 gifts of story:
~Hearing Andrew Peterson share how God has given him lyrics for many of his songs.
~Listening to  Sally Lloyd-Jones share God's grace in her life and how she followed His will for her in writing children's books.
~Enjoying reading fiction in the back seat this weekend while driving.

3 gifts understated.
~My husband's faithfulness to work through pain each and every day in order to take care of us. His faithfulness to take care of us as he desires to be doing full-time ministry is no small thing.
~ My husband's taking care of us by helping to find baby furniture on our busy trip this past weekend.
~My husband thinking of me and buying little things he knows I will enjoy.